AI for Finance 2022

Stand number : N17

Emerton Data provides above-standard data science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) services, helping organizations use data to drive decisions, create impact, and transform businesses. Emerton Data is the Emerton entity that empowers organizations to become more data-driven by providing first-class skills, advisory solutions and make-it-happen support. We offer premium consulting services and customized solutions. Our focus on value delivery and on complex problems makes our difference. We use the right models to solve the right problems. This is made possible by mixing unparalleled excellence skills in data science, data engineering, Artificial Intelligence technologies, business and strategy. Thanks to execution speed and agile delivery methods, we co-create innovative tools and solutions in short time periods (typically 8 to 20 weeks). At Emerton Data, we are convinced that data and Artificial intelligence (AI) will be transforming our society for years and we help companies make this transformation impactful, accelerated and ethical.