AI for Finance 2022

About us

Startup Inside

Startup Inside group is a leading ecosystem of experts in Open innovation, AI and Intrapreneurship operating in four countries to help Fortune 500 companies in their digital transformation.

Startup Inside gathers actors of the European Artificial Intelligence ecosystem in Health and Financial sectors by operating the AI for Health & AI for Finance initiatives. Startup Inside contributes significantly to projects with positive impact by supporting the AI for Good initiative.

La Place Fintech

Located in the heart of the Palais Brongniart, La Place is an open and collaborative place where the actors of innovation in banking, finance and insurance (startups, investors, key accounts, etc.) meet every week. The program includes events designed to make La Place a user-friendly  and lively place where new relationships are forged: afterworks, conferences, round tables, lunches between experts, etc. Each time, the key word is exchange, whether it is a matter of debating or consolidating one's network, around the three main themes: Create (during workshops and seminars), Share (with feedback from shared experiences) and Connect (when start-ups and large companies meet and exchange during dedicated events).